Louis, the son of King Louis VIII and Queen Blanche of Castile, was born on April 25, 1214. His saintly mother personally supervised his secular and religious education. In the course of his instruction, she is reported to have said to him: “I love you, my dear son, with as much love as any mother can love her child. But I would rather see you dead at my feet than that you should offend God with a mortal sin.” The young prince would never forget these words. Louis succeeded to the throne of France at the age of twelve, though in reality it was the strict and competent Queen Mother who actually ruled the country till he was twenty-one
The young king began his reign through exemplary living. Daily attendance at Mass and recitation of the Divine Office were given top priority. He became a member of the Franciscan Third Order. As a humane and able administrator, he tempered justice with mercy and unified France into a land of peace and prosperity. The rich and the poor, peasants and the Lords, the clergy and the soldiers were all welded into one nation through the sheer force of his personal holiness and dynamic leadership. His greatest dream was to wrest the Holy Land from the Turks. Unfortunately the Crusade he led in 1248 was unsuccessful and he himself was taken captive. However, he was ransomed and returned to France. Then in 1270 he took the Crusader’s “Cross” for a second time to liberate the Holy Land. Even this attempt ended in dismal failure due to disease among the troops. The king himself became its casualty in Tunis on on August 25, 1270. The last words of this holy monarch were: “Lord, into your hands I commend my spirit.” Louis was raised to the honours of the altar in 1297.
Refletion: While King Louis brought unprecedented peace and prosperity to France, moulding the life of his subjects according to Christian principles was something very close to his heart. He built Cathedrals and Monasteries, more importantly, hospitals and orphanages where he personally served the inmates. Often, he invited to his royal table thirteen poor persons of his realm. During his long reign of forty-six years, Louis embodied the highest ideals of medieval Kingship.
Be kindhearted to the poor, the unfortunate and the afflicted. Give them as much help and consolation as you can.(St. Louis)