August 26

Elizabeth was born in 1773 near Le Blanc, France. Her parents had powerful political and ecclesiastical connections. When the national Assembly of France attempted to confiscate her ancestral property, her proficiency in law helped her win a series of court battles. Despite severe pressure from her parents, she rejected every offer of marriage and dreamt of becoming a nun. In fact, she had written at the back of a picture of Our Lady: “I dedicate and consecrate myself to Jesus and Mary for ever.” In 1796 her family moved to Poitiers. During this period of turmoil the revolutionary Government of France that was steeped in atheism and anti-clericalism had exiled most of the loyal priests. These were replaced by “constitutional priests” who were appointed and paid for by the State. At this crucial juncture, Elizabeth used to go around to visit the families of farmers and pray with them in order to keep alive the torch of faith. In the course of this village ministry she met Fr. Fournet, now St. Andrew Fournet. Eventually this holy priest encouraged her to establish at Poitiers a religious community saying: “There are ruins to be built and ignorance to be remedied.” After a long and prayerful deliberation, both Fr. Fournet and Elizabeth Bichier jointly established a society of nuns called Daughters of the Cross / Sisters of St. Andrew, to serve the sick and teach the rural girls. Elizabeth slept in the Lord on August26, 1838 and her name was inscribed in the golden Book of Saints in 1947.

Reflection: Mother Elizabeth, though gentle and affable, was resolute and uncompromising on principles while championing the cause of the poor and needy. She was undaunted by difficulties and even had the courage to stand up to the revolutionary guards of the city to be the voice of the voiceless.

Deliver me, O LORD, from evil doers; protect me from those who are violent, who plan evil things in their minds and stir up wars continually. (Ps.140: 1-2)


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